
Your Ultimate Resource | Mungus Shrooms

Welcome to Mungus, your ultimate Guides & Benefit shroom website. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned user, our comprehensive guides and detailed information on the benefits of magic mushrooms are designed to help you make informed decisions.

The usual way of ingesting magic mushrooms is simply by eating them. In this case it is important to chew them thoroughly, to allow all the juices to come out. The psychoactive compound released from the mushroom by your saliva will start mixing with your blood, reaching every cell in your body.

It will take more or less 45 minutes for them to start working, depending on the stomach content – the less you eat before, the better. It is advised to avoid food for a few hours


We recommend starting with 1-2g for first time users. Then gradually upping your dose after building an understanding of the effects of psilocybin. Your tolerance will grow if taken frequently.

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Microdosing involves taking a sub-perceptual dose of psychedelic substances for therapeutic benefits. This practice can potentially enhance mood, focus, creativity, cognition, and energy. It may also help alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety, PTSD, and addiction.

Capsules provide an easy and precise way to microdose magic mushrooms. If the idea of spending hours in an altered state doesn’t appeal to you, but you still want to experience enhanced clarity and mental sharpness, capsules might be the perfect option.

How to Microdose:

  1. Dosage: Take one or two capsules as needed, preferably in the first half of the day. For beginners, we recommend the following dosing schedule:
    • Day 1: Dose
    • Day 2: Off Day
    • Day 3: Off Day
    • Day 4: Dose
  2. Preparation: Start your microdosing journey on a day when you have no work, school, or social commitments. This will allow you to understand the effects in a comfortable environment. Avoid caffeine, other drugs, and supplements to gauge the true effects of psilocybin.
  3. Alternative Intake: If swallowing capsules is difficult, you can open the capsule and mix the contents with food or drinks.

Tip: This is just one method of microdosing. Feel free to experiment and find a routine that works best for you.

We recommend starting with our 100-200mg capsules for first-time users. Once you have a better understanding of the effects of psilocybin, you can gradually increase the dosage.


What’s great about psilocybin is that its only form of consumption is oral, making magic mushroom edibles an ideal way to consume magic mushrooms. Whether it’s gummies, chocolate, baked goods, tea, or hot chocolate, consuming magic mushroom edibles is one of our favorite methods.

Consuming magic mushroom edibles provides consistency and ease for the body to break down and absorb the mushrooms, and they taste great! In magic mushroom edibles, the mushrooms have been ground up or made into a tincture, allowing them to bond better with the sugar and nutrients. The body will readily absorb the psilocybin with decreased effects of nausea and gastric discomfort.


  • 1000mg = 1g

We recommend trying our low MG options of edibles for first-time users. You can also break apart edibles for a lower dosage.


Studies have shown that “a single dose of psilocybin produced substantial and enduring decreases in depressed mood and anxiety along with increases in quality of life” (Journal of Psychopharmacology).

The mystical and profound experiences that many have had since the 1960s in American culture are now being explored in mainstream medical science. The results are compelling and paint a proven, positive picture of magic mushrooms as a powerful healer.

Current Clinical Trials:

    • Cancer: Clinical trials are underway to use magic mushrooms on patients with life-threatening cancer. These trials aim to understand how a high dose of psilocybin, administered in a therapeutic environment, can reduce the psychological stress and anxiety associated with a life-threatening diagnosis.
    • Neuroplasticity: Psilocybin has been proven to improve neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to learn, grow, and change.
    • Cluster Headaches: Magic mushrooms can treat cluster headaches. Anecdotal evidence from the 2000s suggests that medical professionals began to notice psilocybin and LSD as possible treatments after some patients reported remission following recreational use of psychedelics.
    • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Magic mushrooms have successfully reduced symptoms of OCD in a small study of patients who did not respond to conventional serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SRI) drug therapy.
    • Alcoholism: Magic mushrooms have been used as part of an assisted treatment plan to treat alcoholism. Reports show significant reductions in drinking and increased abstinence when magic mushrooms were administered as part of the treatment program.
    • Smoking Cessation: In a recent trial, magic mushrooms helped people quit smoking tobacco. The trial involved two to three treatment sessions with psilocybin as part of a larger cognitive-behavioral therapy program for smoking cessation and had an 80% success rate, with 12 out of the 15 subjects quitting smoking. Conventional smoking cessation approaches such as gum, patches, and cold turkey have about a 35% success rate.



    • Do not consume magic mushrooms if you are in a bad state of mental health. If you feel depressed, try a micro-dose schedule instead of a recreational dose. A magic mushroom trip may enhance negative feelings and lead to a bad trip.
    • Avoid taking magic mushrooms if you are in a bad state of physical health. If you have a bacterial or viral infection like the common cold or flu, wait until you are back to normal health.


    • Do not take magic mushrooms alone for the first time. Consume them in the presence of someone who has experience with magic mushrooms.
    • Choose a quiet environment with few or no strangers. Being in nature or a familiar indoor space is advisable. Avoid taking magic mushrooms in very public places for the first time.
    • Do not schedule plans or appointments within 24 hours of consuming magic mushrooms. Take your time with your trip. Avoid operating motor vehicles during and immediately after your trip.
    • Turn off your phone to avoid reacting irrationally to any news. Some people also switch off their doorbells to ensure they are not disturbed.
    • Ensure you can contact emergency services if needed.


    • If you are taking magic mushrooms with a group, ensure you are with trusted friends. Do not take them with people you feel uncomfortable around, as this may negatively affect your trip. It’s recommended to be with someone who has previous experience with magic mushrooms.


    • Do not take magic mushrooms because of peer pressure. Take them because you want to, not because others convince you. If you are scared of the potential effects, do not take them.

Food and Drinks:

    • Ensure there is plenty of drinking water for everyone. Magic mushroom trips tend to dehydrate the body, so it is important to stay hydrated.
    • Keep some sugary drinks (dextrose) nearby. Sugary drinks can lessen the effects of magic mushrooms if someone feels overwhelmed.
    • Taking magic mushrooms on an empty stomach will have the best effects. If you have just eaten, wait 2 hours before consuming magic mushrooms. The trip will begin 20-60 minutes after consumption, depending on your metabolism. If you do not feel the effects after 60 minutes, do not consume more right away.

Other Drugs:

    • NEVER mix magic mushrooms with other drugs.
    • Antidepressants may lower the effectiveness of psilocybin magic mushrooms.

Beginning the Trip:

When you begin your trip on magic mushrooms, you will feel changes in your senses, which will work on a higher frequency. You will experience things you normally would not see or realize. These visions are often enigmatic and are not always what they seem. The beauty lies in the puzzles. This can be frightening at times, but just go with it and don’t try to fight it. Blocking your thoughts will work against you.

During the Trip:

  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water. Drinking water will not diminish your trip but will make your body more comfortable for a more enjoyable experience. Drinking less or no water does not intensify your trip. Magic mushrooms dehydrate your body, and if you do not drink water, your body will pull water from other places in your system.


Everyone will experience a magic mushroom trip in their own way. The difference between each person’s needs can vary greatly. Some love to chat, some prefer silence, one might want to make love while another doesn’t want to be touched. It is good to communicate about this beforehand, and you will understand the importance of surrounding yourself with people you like and trust.


The effects of magic mushrooms come and go in waves. At some points during your trip, it might feel like the effects are fading. Do not eat more magic mushrooms to increase the effects. After only a few minutes, you will find the effect increase again without having to do anything.

f you’ve read this far and have followed our advice, the chance of a bad trip is very unlikely. However, it may occur to someone in your group who did not follow our suggestions so strictly. When a person is having a bad trip, you will definitely notice it. They may start reacting very anxiously, become extremely paranoid, hysterical, or even violent. Here are some tips to take care of that person:

    1. Stay with Them: Never lose sight of the person. They may want to suddenly take off or leave the group. Ensure they are never left alone.

    2. Find a Quiet Place: Move the person to a quiet place where they can sit or lie down. Have them focus on taking deep, calm breaths.

    3. Provide Sugary Drinks: Give them a sweet sugary drink. This can help reduce the effects of the bad trip within a few minutes.

    4. Reassure Them: A bad trip will often last the entirety of the trip. To the person experiencing it, it may feel like it will never end. Reassure them that this is not true and that the trip will end in time. Continue providing sugary drinks and encourage calm breathing.

    5. Seek Emergency Help if Necessary: If you think you’ve done your best as a support person but the situation is becoming unmanageable, contact emergency services. There is no crime in admitting the consumption of magic mushrooms, so be honest with the medical help and inform them of the situation.